Friday, 19 August 2011

Day 2

Another day 100% on plan, not sure how I've stuck to it though. L didn't sleep well last night, and as I'd been suffering big time with my back took codeine tablets and went to bed at 7.45pm. Felt like a zombie all day, thankfully L was happy to play by herself this morning, so I could rest then by lunchtime it was back to normal so we got on with some chores.

Unbelievably cold today, especially considering it's August, had us both dressed up in loads of layers, and no nappy off time for L. Went to the GP's to collect my repeat prescription and there was a tiny week old baby there. My womb actually ached, how I can possibly be broody after 18 months ttc, hideous morning sickness, 3 months of being housebound with SPD, elcs under general anathetic, with added complications, a second hospital stay with an infection, still having back problems caused from living with SPD for so long as well as having a newborn with allergies and reflux, I just don't know.

L is desperate to crawl, it really won't be long, she's rocking on her hands and knees at every opportunity and is getting very frustrated. Also need to get a move on with getting her a load of 6-9m clothes. Where she was in 0-3 til she was 5m old I just haven't sorted things out, but I must. Putting too many outfits in the 'too small' pile, poor baby has about 3 things to wear

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